Heck why not throw a fool ten feet in the air and impale him on your combistick if he chooses to step up for a taste? You could begin with a face grab and mega kick or go all out and rip a guy in half. Speaking of violence and horrible ways to die, Predator has many, many w ays to dish out nasty punishment at his disposal. Some of the villains and bosses are hokey but hey, ya gotta have someone with a spine and skull to rip out, otherwise your goin' home trophyless. You really find yourself in the thick of a great plotline that would've made a great movie version of Predator 3. The story follows the same plots of Predators 1 & 2 with a really cool time travel twist and some VERY impressive cutscenes between, during or after missions. It's difficult to find but I managed to get a good version with no instruction booklet.
I got into a selling frenzy and not realizing my possible oversight, sold this game. I originally bought this game brand new, completed every mission and even earned a few bonus items.